Pancakes and Pedicures

This morning has been the opposite of most Sunday mornings… It’s been productive.

Being the “driver” that he is, Ryan had us over at our old apartment doing the dreaded final clean by 8:30 a.m.


Before we left to vacuum, scrub, polish and sweep, I made us a filling breakfast of apple cinnamon pancakes to sustain us through the clean.

Pancake Mix

I used the Farmgirl pancake mix that I gave to Ryan in his Valentine’s Day foodie basket.

Fluffy 'Cakes

After topping the ‘cakes with syrup and eating every last one, we headed over to the old pad to get crackin’ on cleaning.

Pancakes + Syrup

We cleaned for a few hours which was miserable totally great.

Mid-Morning Snack

I had an appointment with my friend Merri to get a pedicure in the early afternoon, and fortunately we were done cleaning about 20 minutes before my appointment.

I grabbed a yummy snack before heading out the door to meet Merri.

I made a berry barley bowl with barley, Greek yogurt and thawed frozen strawberries.

Berries 'n' Barley

Yogurt Barley Berry Bowl


Whenever I get a pedicure I always think I’m going to go in and pick a new, funky color.

For my last pedicure in January I picked a dark purple to be wintery. It looked almost black and I felt quite goth.

Back in September, I picked what I thought was a hot pink color for my toes before we left on a cruise with our friends. In the sunlight it ended up looking orange. Ick!

Today, I figured I’d select a nice, safe color, which, for me, is always some shade of pink. 😀

After seeing the color Merri selected, I instantly put my darker pink color back on the shelf and decided to go with the same color she picked. We now have matching toes. 😉


I got home and did the “don’t step on my toes, dance around the puppy” dance to make sure Sadie didn’t step on my feet and ruin my fresh pedicure.

The "Don't Step on My Toes, Dance Around the Puppy" Dance

Pedicure Squat

I don’t want to jinx myself, but the “dance” has, so far, proven successful and my toes are in tact. 😉


Plans for the rest of the day include unpacking (are you sick of hearing about moving yet!?) and running to the grocery store and Marshall’s to return shoes and pick up some necessities for the new apartment. You know I’ll be spending in inordinate amount of time in the specialty foods aisle as well… 😉

What are you doing on this fine Sunday?

Please share! I love reading about what you guys are up to!

21 Responses

  1. Your toes look great! I would much rather be unpacking and organizing- I love to do that stuff! Instead I’m doing school work. But in a few hours, I’ll stop and start doing some prep cooking for the week. That’s when I’ll get to relax.

    Enjoy your new place! It’s always so much fun to move!

  2. cute colour on your toes!! xxx

  3. Love the pics-too cute!

    I always end up with a shade of pink on my toes-drives my nail lady nuts!

    Today I’m working on organizing my week! Which means, laundry, cleaning, planning workouts, and starting the prep work for a final exam in my health law class! A visit to the gym is also in order for the later afternoon 🙂

  4. Cute toes! My mom always yells at me when I get dark colors, she says she thinks it looks goth too, haha. You’re almost through the moving madness!

  5. Your Sunday sounds a lot more fun than mine! I would kill for a pedi today, unfortunately I am stuck inside working on a case study on a company we don’t even have here in Canada– Panera Bread! I’m sure you’ve heard of it

    Can’t wait to see pics of the new apartment once it’s all set up 🙂

  6. oooo Pedicures are the best! Pretty feet really make me feel good! have a good saturday!

  7. Love your outfit!! SO cute- the necklace is perfect with it 🙂

  8. I’m happy for you that your move is over with! Today I’m enjoying my LAST DAY of break before classes start again tomorrow. Unfortunately it’s being a rainy March day today…
    I love pancakes.

  9. You have such gorgeous hair!! So long and pretty 🙂 Congrats on finally being done with the move!!

  10. Love the shade of pink! I started this morning with Bookclub (and the fine company of five smart funny women), ran errands (pharmacy, dry cleaners, and gas) and now I’m off to hike in the bright Colorado sun! Hope you enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

  11. We are resting….had guests from Thurs-Sun! I’m wiped:)

    Love pancakes, I made them this weekend for our friends that were staying over….which reminds me I’ve never posted that recipe!

  12. Pancakes look great, but just wondering if you use sugar-free syrup or regular??

    Love the pink color on the tootsies:) I always stick to the same color, boring but safe right??:)

  13. Sounds like the move is going really well!!! It always feels SO good to finally be done with unpacking.

    Love that pink color– and v. cute dress as well!

  14. Pedicures or foot soaks always make my day! I picked some funky blues and greens this winter, since only my yoga friends see my feet in the winter! It’s pouring rain and nasty and cold outside. I managed a quick swim and yoga sesh this morning and have been cooped up this afternoon watching B-ball and now New Moon 🙂 Happy Sunday!

  15. I’ve been studying ALL day and I still have to work on my presentation some more tonight…ugh, I’ll be so ready to be done with school come graduation in may! Your day sounds pretty great though, and that barley bowl looks delicious!

  16. i so need a pedi now that the weather is warmer!

    i met a friend for a run/walk this morning, then went for coffee and a Kind bar.

    Then i got some sun by the pool…starting cooking and then took a nap once i had everything in the crock pot!

    its been marvelous!

  17. Pretty pedi!

    I always tend to pick a darker berry color, so in the summer I try to pick something more bright. Sometimes it ends up a bit too dayglow 🙂

  18. […] Pancakes and Pedicures […]

  19. Cute pedicure! I have missed those toes! Your pedicure squat, looks more like the girl in my highschool swimming class who would squat like that when we would line up in the morning… haha. I hope you know who I am talking about!

  20. I just found your blog through Gina’s and am loving it!!

  21. […] Posted on April 14, 2010 by peanutbutterfingers I usually like sweeter breakfasts like berry barley yogurt bowls or brownie batter hot cereal, but occassionally eggs call to […]

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