Q & A

Questions? E-mail me at pbfingers@gmail.com, post a question here, or click here to ask me an anonymous question. I’ll get back to ya ASAP. 😀

Here are links to several “Ask Me Anything” posts I did featuring my answers to anonymous questions from readers:

Blog Questions

How much time do you spend working on your blog every day?

I probably spend approximately an hour to two hours total actually creating blog posts every day, unless something big happened and I write a more extensive post with lots of pictures which takes more time. I consider responding to emails part of blogging and this also takes up additional time every day.

Have you ever noticed that when you open your page the peanut butter on the spoon has a smiley face? It’s only on the top, once you scroll down it stays there and the spoon moves down. Is this supposed to be there?

This was actually not planned and, believe it or not, doesn’t show up on everyone’s computers! It doesn’t show up on my lap top at home, but it shows up on Ryan’s and my family’s computer. Odd, huh? I kinda like the little smiley guy. He’s like my little blog guardian.

How do you find out about all of the deals, bargains, and free products companies are doing?

One Web site: Slickdeals.net. Ryan and his cousin introduced it to me and it’s phenomenal!

What kind of camera do you use to take pictures for your blog?  Do you have two different cameras…One for blog pictures and one for every day things?

I do have two different cameras. I use my Nikon D3000 whenever I can, which is typically at dinner, on the weekends and during trips to the dog park. This camera is awesome and I still have so much to learn about how to use it to its full potential.

For everyday pictures and portability’s sake, I often use my Canon PowerShot S90, which is fantastic (especially in low lighting).

Julie Questions

Are you always cheerful and bubbly?

Of course I have grouchy days where I feel like I’m in a funk! Fortunately though, I really am a fairly optimistic person and try not to get caught up in negativity and really try not to “sweat the small stuff.” To me, getting angry or involved in drama is exhausting… Seriously, it overwhelms me. Whenever I’m faced with something that’s really bothering me, I ask myself this: “Will this even matter in a week? In a month? In a year?” More often than not, the answer is “no,” and it’s not worth getting upset over.

(Ryan is looking over my shoulder and said I should answer the above question like this: “Yes. I am happy all the time.” He’s a little biased. )

What took you from Illinois to Florida?  And do you miss the Midwest?

My family and I moved to Florida from Palatine, Illinois after I graduated high school in 2003 because my dad accepted a job in St. Petersburg.

I really miss certain aspects of the Midwest. I think there’s something to be said for “Midwestern values” and, generally speaking, I feel a genuine warmth from people who come from the Midwest. I do not miss the weather (except on Christmas).

What sorority were you in?

I was a Kappa Delta at the University of Central Florida.

What are your favorite clothing stores?

My favorite stores are J.Crew (thank goodness I live near the outlet!), Banana Republic, Marshalls and T.J. Maxx. I also love RueLaLa.com and Off 5th (the Saks Fifth Avenue outlet) for great sales on designer jeans.

What is your job and what are your normal work hours?

I am a full-time writer and editor and manage a content team of three other writers for an internet marketing company. I work from 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. daily (sometimes later).

What is your skin care routine?

I wash my face with Clean & Clear morning burst shine control facial cleanser in the shower every morning and use Clean & Clear oil-free dual action moisturizer right afterward, otherwise my skin is tiiiiight.

What kind of makeup do you wear?

Click here for my makeup routine.

How do you do your hair?

I have the thinnest hair in the world and have always considered myself hair-styling inept. I’m assuming this question refers to the times I curl my hair (since straightening is a pretty self-explanatory process ), so I’ll address that! My friend Merri showed me how to curl my hair with a flat iron and it is awesome! If I curl my hair with a curling iron, the curls fall out in no time at all, but when I use a flat iron (I use the Chi for curling and the Sedu for straightening), the curls stay in all day long. Hallelujah! There are a lot of instructional videos on YouTube.com that can show you how to do this. I literally propped my lap top up on the toilet seat  in my bathroom, and watched the videos while attempting to curl my hair in the mirror. I burned just about every finger on my hand, but eventually got the hang of it!

Do you color your hair or is it natural? How do you get it cut and how often?

It is natural. I have never colored my hair and I get it cut at Great Clips when I get their $5.99 coupon in the mail. My hair cut is hard to mess up because I just get it trimmed every time! I ask them to cut about a half of an inch off every two months, and angle it a bit in the front.

What shampoo/conditioner do you use?

I use Marc Anthony Instantly Thick shampoo and conditioner and I buy it at Ulta. I have the thinnest hair in the world and it’s the only shampoo and conditioner I’ve used that actually seems to make it a little thicker.

How many hours of sleep do you get each night? When do you go to bed and wakeup? Where do you get all of your energy?

I typically wake up at 5:30 a.m. on weekdays and am in bed by 10 p.m. That’s nearly eight hours of sleep baby! I work out first thing in the morning and eat constantly throughout the day (six mini-meals) which I think really helps keep me feeling energetic throughout the day.

Exercise + Body + Weight Questions

What is your height and weight?

I am 5’6 ¾’’ (aaaalmost 5’7’’) and this morning I weighed 126.8 lbs. Like everyone, my weight does fluctuate!

How often do you weigh yourself?

I weigh myself a couple times a week just to keep myself in check… usually on a Monday and a Friday.

What are your bust/waist/hip measurements?

Like the weight question, I am hesitant to answer this because I know that reading my measurements may cause some of you to compare yourself to me. Please know that my measurements are my measurements and are right for me. Your measurements are right for you!

When I was measured for my bridal gown my measurements were 32” bust/24” waist/38” hip.

What brand of scale do you have at home?

I have a Thinner scale that looks a lot like this one.

Have you ever been injured from a sport or exercise?

Yes! I had bursitis in my hip from running and couldn’t run or do any high impact exercises for several months during the summer of my junior year in college. It was honestly a very difficult thing for me to deal with and I was very frustrated by the set back. I met with a wonderful doctor who showed me how to properly stretch my hip (I literally never stretched my hip before this injury), and I now take the time to give the ol’ hip some TLC before and after my runs.

While training for a half marathon in August 2010, I also experienced a bruised heel, which set back my training by three weeks.

When did you become interested in going to the gym and working out regularly?

Toward the end of my senior year of high school, once I no longer had to attend practices for various athletic teams, I started to feel antsy and restless… like I was missing something. Since I did not want to participate in college athletics (nor was I good enough to do anything competitive!), I began working out at a little gym by my house (and I mean little… think three cardio machines and a small rack of dumbbells) and doing random workout DVDs my mom had at our house. In college, my school had an amazing gym and I went all the time, but typically limited my workouts to cardio training, kickboxing or spinning classes until my sophomore year when I became brave enough to venture downstairs where all the big boys were lifting weights. Since then I’ve always included weight training as part of my fitness regimen. From there, my interest in fitness grew and I read everything I could find about working out and exercising. Since my time in college, I have continued to be a dedicated “gym rat!”

What do you do for your regular workouts?

Though my workout routine often varies, lately I’ve been sticking to a pretty simple schedule:

M,W,F – Total-body weights with 25 minutes of light cardio. My weight routine consists of taking a BodyPump class (love ‘em!) or completing three sets of 15 reps of various exercises with weights such as step ups, dead lifts, bicep curls, tricep extensions, shoulder raises, leg extensions, lunges or squats (hate these!). I also do ab work on these days. My light cardio is typically done on a machine of some sort (such as the elliptical) and I’ll often read a magazine while working out which should tell you just how light this cardio is!

Tu, Th – Cardio day! I typically do 50 minutes of some kind of cardio on these days and I try to vary the intensity. I will take a spin class or run intervals for half the time and spend the rest of the time on a different machine (I can’t do 50 minutes of straight intervals – phew!). I may also decide to go running (around 5 miles) on these days.

Weekend – Fun cardio! My weekends typically include fun cardio like rollerblading, going for a run with my dog or taking a Boot Camp class at the gym. On Saturdays I usually do around 50 minutes of some kind of cardio. On Sundays I am much more relaxed and consider this day my day of rest, though I’ll often take an “active rest” day and take Sadie on a long walk or do something very low intensity.

Have you ever had a problem with body image or being overweight (in your eyes)?

Yes… Oh yes. Though my BMI has never technically been in the “overweight” category, I have definitely struggled with body image (and still do!). I actually had a mini breakdown to Ryan about a month before I started this blog. We were on a walk with Sadie and I just felt sad and upset with my appearance. I know in my heart that I am a healthy person and weigh a healthy weight, but I couldn’t seem to stop negative thoughts about my body from entering into my head daily… all the time.

I cried to Ryan and he said he’d been in the same place before… many people have. He said that no matter how thin I would ever be, it wouldn’t matter until I accepted myself and loved myself. He is 100 percent right. I still constantly struggle with negative thoughts about my body. However, I’ve found that it’s a lot easier to focus on health than on appearance and weight. I have made a conscious effort to think about my health and make decisions that lead to a healthy lifestyle rather than concentrate on my weight and it’s honestly made a huge difference for me. It’s so much easier (but still not easy!) to feel happy with yourself knowing that you’re doing your best to fuel your body with healthy food and exercise, rather than depriving it and beating yourself up with negative thoughts.

Do you ever have days where you just don’t want to work out but still do?  If so, how do you motivate yourself?

Of course I have days where I don’t want to work out. For me, scheduling my workout first thing in the morning makes it a lot easier. When my alarm goes off, I can’t go back to sleep because in my head I’ll be thinking “I should be at the gym right now” since it’s such a huge part of my routine. By the time I actually feel awake in the morning, my workout is over!

When I’m really not feelin’ the gym, I have a couple of go-to workouts that motivate me. I keep print outs of a couple of cardio interval workouts in my little gym bag (click here and here for some good examples). It’s always easier to get to the gym when you have a new workout planned. Group exercise classes like BodyPump really motivate me on days I don’t feel like putting myself through a quality workout.

Also, I read somewhere that it takes 21 days for something to become a habit, so if you’re losing motivation, commit to working out regularly (still schedule a rest day or two!) for 21 days. It will likely become part of your routine!

How many minutes/hours of exercise to you average per day?

On Monday, Wednesday and Friday I typically take a 50-minute BodyPump (total-body weights) class and follow it up with 25 minutes of light cardio. On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday or Sunday I will do 50 minutes of some kind of cardio. I usually take one day a week off from the gym.

What is the BodyPump class you always talk about?

You may see my post about BodyPump here.

Do you do a particular ab workout? How do you keep your stomach so flat? Have you found a particular set of exercises really works for you? Do you find any particular foods help you achieve a flatter tummy?

I naturally gain weight in my lower half first (hips, butt, legs). However, if I do notice that my stomach is getting a little softer, I’ll up cardio and try to incorporate more intense cardio sessions (like interval training) into my routine which my body seems to respond to best. Also, I cannot stress the importance of healthy eating when it comes to carrying weight in my stomach. I will literally be walking around with a food baby belly if I have a weekend full of ice cream, cookies and other indulgent foods.

As far as abdominal workouts, I do not have a set routine when it comes to working out my abs. I typically workout my abs during BodyPump classes three times a week, but find that cardio and healthy eating is really what keeps my stomach the flattest. Eating a lot of fibrous foods (veggies! fruits! whole grains!) keeps me “regular” and I think this helps with the appearance of a flatter belly.

Food Questions

Do you post everything you eat on the blog?

No, definitely not. I eat five to six times every day and only post the three meals I consume at breakfast, lunch and dinner. I always eat a morning snack and an afternoon snack and will often eat a little something after dinner as well.

Do you count calories? How many calories do you eat every day?

I do not count calories, but I have in the past and found myself consuming around 1,800 calories daily… definitely more on the weekends (always!) and more when I do a lot of cardio. I eat 6 mini meals every day, and I’d estimate them to be around 300 calories each. I usually only blog about what I eat during the typical breakfast, lunch and dinner times, which is only about half of my daily meals.

Do you take any daily vitamins?

I take one Viactiv chewable calcium supplement and a One a Day Essential multivitamin every day.

What is your favorite junk food?

My favorite junk food of all time would have to be ice cream. I could literally eat a half-gallon in one sitting. Soft serve ice cream is my all-time favorite.

Other junk food favorites include: Cheez-its, Raisinets, Reese’s Pieces, peanut butter M&M’s, s’mores, any kind of freshly baked cookies (I love oatmeal chocolate chip with lots of nuts), brownies, macaroni and cheese, Rice Krispie treats, pizza, my mom’s milkshakes… the list goes on and on!

What do you eat for snacks? Do you have any nutritious and delicious snack suggestions? Do you eat a nighttime snack before bed?

I am a huge snacker and eat approximately six times every day. Mini-meals work better for me than three big meals because I always want to have something yummy coming up in the near future after I finish a meal. I love mah food! For my snacks, which I typically do not post, I enjoy several staples:

Before bed my snacks are typically sweeter and more dessert-like. I’ll often enjoy a cup of low-calorie hot chocolate, a frozen banana with peanut butter, yogurt or biscotti. Click here for more snack ideas.

How often do you go grocery shopping? What foods do you always keep on stock in your fridge and pantry? How much do you spend on groceries every week?

I go grocery shopping once a week (sometimes twice) and my grocery bill is almost always less than $45 every week. You may click here to see my healthy food staples.

What would you eat if it was the last meal you’d ever eat?

An ice cream sundae with whipped cream, hot fudge sauce and candied pecans.

I noticed that you use the Carba Nada pasta a lot. Do you try to limit your carbs?

No, I don’t. I love carbs and actually purchased Carba Nada pasta for the amount of protein it has in each serving (12 grams!). I sometimes struggle to get a lot of protein in my diet because I naturally enjoy fruits and grains (and ice cream) more than many protein-rich foods.

Julie + Ryan Questions

How did you and Ryan meet?

Ryan and I met in the beginning of the second semester of my freshman year in college at our university’s gym. I was there working out and realized my sorority had an intramural dodge ball game that night, so I wondered down to cheer on my ladies.

Ryan came to the game with one of my sorority sisters and when he spotted me, he asked her to find out whether or not I had a boyfriend. When she asked me, I said yes and when she asked if it was “serious” I told her we’d been dating for more than three years.

Apparently she took this as a “no” and proceeded to tell Ryan I did not have a boyfriend. Sneaky, sneaky. Well, Ryan asked her for my phone number and eventually called and asked me to dinner. I remembered him as the super-cute guy from the gym and was intrigued, though I had reservations since I was still in a relationship. I kept things open and honest with both guys, though Ryan’s expression when he asked me directly whether or not I had a boyfriend was pretty priceless. “Oh really?” I believe he said (his voice increasing a few octaves on the “really”).

Anyway, the relationship I was in with my high school boyfriend was long distance (tough stuff) and eventually things faded out while things simultaneously began picking up with Ryan. So, basically our relationship is all thanks to a lie my sorority sister told Ryan. That’s sisterhood, my friends.

Have you and Ryan ever “taken a break” throughout your relationship?

No. We’ve been together for a little more than six years… six whole years. Ryan is pretty hard-headed about the “taking a break” issue and though I never wanted to “take a break” from our relationship, I really like his views on “breaks” and have adopted them as my own. To him (and now to me as well), taking a break really puts your relationship in a gray area. The “rules” are undefined and inevitably someone always seems to get hurt. Every relationship has ups and downs and for us, we were fully committed to communicating and working thorough any issues at hand, rather than waving the white flag. Don’t get me wrong… I know there are couples who take breaks and it works for them… For us, though, it never was really something we considered. A “break” (to me), is a break up and I’ve always like Ryan too much to want a break from that boy.

What tips do you have about maintaining a healthy relationship? What’s things do you and Ryan argue about? How do you resolve any issues?

Ryan is honestly the easiest person to be in a relationship with, and I really do feel so blessed to be with someone as open and loving as him. Ryan has taught me so much about love, but the biggest thing he’s taught me is the importance of communication. I am not a confrontational person by nature and will typically get quiet when I’m upset and I prefer to be alone when I’m angry. Ryan has really encouraged me to communicate with him all the time, and he’s always been very open with me. It can be so hard to bring up what’s bothering you, but the only way issues can be resolved is to talk about them. Ryan made it clear to me from day one that as his girlfriend (and now his fiancé), I was his number one priority and he is mine as well. I’ve always felt like he puts me first and I’ve tried to show him the same respect. Ryan also has three ideals of a good relationship that I think are spot-on: communication, trust and entertainment. You gotta have all three!

As for arguments, we really don’t fight often and our fights are typically over trivial things like my driving abilities (they’re stellar, by the way), or Ryan not unloading the dishwasher when he was home all day. We’ve actually even taken the time to communicate and talk about both of these little issues and even issues as silly as those have improved because of a simple conversation. Talk it out! It works!

How do you balance your eating habits with Ryan’s? Boys/men tend to eat more than females and require more energy/calories in a typical day as well, but I sometimes struggle with the fact that I eat as much as my live-in boyfriend.

I think there’s a reason why statistically women gain weight after marriage – blame the men! Seriously though, it can be challenging to live with a guy that eats all the time. Ryan eats constantly, but fortunately is very open to trying healthy recipes. When we cook, we typically cook recipes for three people and Ryan will eat two portions while I will eat one. It takes some adjusting to recipe measurements but makes it easier to control portion size when the meal is ready and I know he gets two thirds of the meal while I get one.

Where I struggle most is dessert. If Ryan wants ice cream or something sweet, I have a very hard time saying no and will typically indulge right along with him. As long as I don’t down a pint of ice cream every day, I try not to worry about it too much.

Sadie Questions

What’s your favorite activity with Sadie?

I love many activities with Sadie! My favorite active activity is definitely hiking with Sadie and Ryan. However, nothing beats cuddling with Sadie when she’s tired. She literally goes to bed by 9:30 p.m. every night (she hops off the couch and put herself to bed in our bedroom) and I know that’s when I’ll get my quality cuddle time with my girl.

How much exercise does Sadie get every day?

I make it a point to take Sadie on a long walk (approximately 2.5 miles) before work and Ryan and I always do some sort of a physical activity with her after work for at least an hour, whether it be another long walk or a trip to the dog park. Sadie is a vizsla, and her breed requires a lot of exercise!

58 Responses

  1. how did you meet your lovely boyfriend? You may have covered this question.

    You always talk about healthy foods–but whats your favorite junk food or fast food restaurant?

  2. ok thought of one more—

    B/c I get this question a lot from EVERYONE it seems…so, you and Ryan have been together 5 years and live together…is marriage in your future? is marriage something you eventually want or no? Im torn on the issue!

  3. haha I knew you would! I get teh question a lot of me and Sean, so I know it can get annoying! I do very much enjoy your “safe” answer! HAHA!

  4. When did you become interested in going to the gym and working out regularly?

  5. What do you do for a regular workout? I have never gone far beyond walking and yoga but would like to get more fit, any tips?

  6. hey! I just found your blog and I really love it!! My question is.. have you ever struggled with your weight? You seem to be so happy and healthy!

  7. ooh I love your workout schedule! I took a body pump class a couple of years ago and loved it! Are your classes one hour full body?

  8. Hi Julie!

    I know you drink a lot of tea, but I’m curious about what other liquids you drink throughout the day. I’m always in search of a tasty, low-cal or no-cal alternative to plain ‘ol H2O! Thanks for the tips! Your blog is the best! : )


  9. Great website! I am with you on the peanut butter obsession and embracing our health and who we are right now, rather than trying to live up to some body-image standard that we previously thought would bring happiness.


  10. Hey Julie,

    Your cooking skills and healthy recipes inspire me soo much! Therefore, I was wondering, how did you learn how to cook and where do you get your recipes from (or do you create your own)? I am a very healthy eater myself, but I have a very limited variety of foods in my diet and tend to eat the same things day after day! I’ve never been one to cook, but lately, I’ve been motivated to start learning! If you have any tips or recipe books/websites you’d recommend, please let me know!! Thanks! 🙂


  11. Hey Julie,
    You always blog about your meals (love them!), but I was wondering what you eat for snacks. Like you, I stick to 5-6 small meals throughout the day, which keeps my blood sugar stable and metabolism pumping! However, I tend to eat the same ol’ snacks (a TLC Bar, South Beach Bar, fresh fruit, Whey protein shake, handful of almonds, or cottage cheese). Do you have any nutritious & delicious snack suggestions? Also, do you eat a night time snack before bed? If so, what? Thanks!! 🙂

  12. ok nvm about you and your man! just read this! lol

  13. Hi Julis! Just found your blog clicking through from Healthy Living with Kelly- love it! We share some interests like PB and ice cream so I think I’m going to enjoy reading 🙂

  14. Hi Julie! I love how you style your hair – I was wondering if you could tell me how you do it?? Thanks!

    • i actually use a straightener whenever i curl my hair. curls fall out of my hair SO easily w/ a curling iron or hot rollers. curling it w/ a straightener really helps the curls stay in my hair. my friend merri showed me how to do it & i also used videos on youtube.com to learn how. hope this helps!

  15. hey julie! Would you ever consider doing a makeup routine post? You always look so gorgeous!

  16. I think its awesome how you get up in the morning and workout. I was wondering do you eat anything before going to the gym or just wait till after your workout for breakfast? I always wake up pretty hungry and wouldnt have the energy for a bodypump class without eating first.

  17. Hello,

    My wife told me about your guardian smiley, and it got me curious. I know what it is, where it’s from, and how to get rid of it. I don’t want to just say it in case you like it as a mysterious little blog guardian :-), but let me know if you want to hear more.


  18. Hi i just found your blog and was wondering what magical stretch the doctor told you to do for your hip injury. i have just been diagnosed with the same thing, I have stopped exercising for a complete month and NOTHING is helping. It’s so frustrating!! Thanks for your help

  19. Thank you so much for sharing how you get curly hair!!! I have the straightest hair in the world, but after reading that you watched a how to on You Tube, I gave it a try and it worked!!! JACKPOT!!!

  20. This may sound like a really odd questions, but I am just going to go for it! What kind of lotions, body wash, tanners etc…do you use? Coming out of winter I have noticed that my skin is very dull and pale and I want to spruce it up a bit for the coming summer 🙂 You have the best skin! Sorry if it is really random, I just couldn’t resist asking.

  21. I came to this page hoping to find out if that was your natural hair color. 🙂 It’s beautiful! I’m thinking of going back to my natural color and I REALLY hope it’s something like that.

  22. It seems like every time I get my schedule in line enough to start exercising regularly, something crazy happens or I GET SICK, which is the case right now. Nothing major – just drowsy, common cold stuff.

    My question is, do you workout when you’re sick? I can’t figure out if that’s going to be good for me or make me worse.

    • for me, it totally depends on how sick i feel. if it’s a runny nose or sore throat, i’ll power through. once nausea kicks in, i’m out! 🙂

  23. Can you share the hip stretches you used for your injury?

  24. Hey Julie, What was your major in college?

  25. how do you take your coffee? cream? sugar? milk? Splenda? syrups? spices? haha i’m just curious…
    p.s. i just found your blog+ i love it =D

  26. I am/was a KD too! (at The University of Georgia)

    How old is Sadie? Ever thought about having 2 vizslas? I’m considering getting Koda a little sis or bro, but some people think I’m crazy to want 2 vizsla pups

    • AOT! :o)

      Sadie is 2 1/2 (she’s very small for vizlsas as I’m sure you can tell!). We’ve thought a lot about getting another one. I would love to eventually if we move into a larger apt. I’m a little concerned about how Sadie would react though b/c she loves being the center of attention! 🙂

  27. I have a question! It is about your blog. I started a blog about 2 months ago and I haven’t gotten many views or comments. How did your blog become this popular? Do you have any advice? By the way I love the bridesmaids dress and I love your writing overall!

  28. Hey Julie 🙂
    I hope this wasn’t asked before, but I really really really feel the urge to start running since two weeks or so.
    It’s just that I’ve never been jogging before or something like that. I’m not even the athletic type of girl. But it must feel so great to run.
    I just don’t know how to start – put those running shoes on and run?! Well, if I’d do that, I would just injure myself… I think first of all you need to stretch yourself, don’t you?

    Sorry, but I have no idea. 😦
    Love your blog btw, it’s great motivation and the food pictures always make my mouth water. 😉

  29. Hey Julie! Do you ever think you can eat too many carbs? I admit to being a carb junky but I try to even them out with a good variety of protein as well. 2nd question, do you feel that doing the same exercise routines can be bad? I am definitely not bored with mine routine but just wondering if there is a downfall to doing the same routine…

  30. I just found your blog from SkinnyRunner. I’m a KD too! But I went to school at Colorado State University.

  31. Do you eat any raw bars like larabars? If so, what is your favorite kind?

  32. Hey Julie. Just found your blog and it’s great! Totally love peanut butter spoons, although maybe peanut butter fingers would be a little bit friendlier on the waistline.

    I’m glad someone else exercises their dog tons. Our little white German shepherd/corgi gets 3.5 miles jog every morning, plus day care all day or else another 45-60 minutes in the evening. Plus two 15-20 minutes walks at noon and 10pm. She sleeps so nicely. 🙂

  33. Do you run your long runs with a hydration belt? What do you recommend for carrying water and snacks for long runs?

    • i usually just carry fruit chews… i carry them by stuffing them in the side of my running shorts. not too professional, but it works!

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