Dinner Guests

Tonight we had guests for dinner… my parents!  

Me and my Parents (and Sadie)

Ryan, Me & the Pup

They stopped by our apartment en route to St. Pete from Jacksonville and we enjoyed a tasty dinner of slow cooker chicken tacos.

Taco Toppers

My Taco Plate

I inhaled these tacos and went back for another plate full of taco salad.

Do you prefer hard shell or soft shell tacos?

I’m a hard shell girl… but I feel like I’m in the minority on that one. 😉 I stand by my hard shells!

After hanging out and catching up, my parents left and Ryan and I took Sadie on a short one mile walk around the neighborhood.

After our walk I enjoyed a tasty dessert of banana soft serve with chocolate chips.

Chocolate Chip Banana Soft Serve

Ryan and I are enjoying the rest of the night being homebodies. I honestly love Friday nights at home with Ryan and Sadie. They’re my favorite.

See ya in the morning!


Wow-wee, today is flyin’ by! I guess that’s what happens when there are a million things on your “to do” list!

This week I’ve been tackling my daily assignments at work, while also training two new employees and handling about a billion additional content requests… Phew! Thank goodness I actually like what I do. 😀

Lunch was a cheesy pasta bowl including:

  • Carba Nada egg fettuccine noodles
  • Broccoli
  • Yellow squash
  • Laughing Cow light French onion Swiss cheese wedge
  • Parmesan cheese

Cheesy Veggie Pasta Bowl

Friday's Lunch

Nice ‘n’ filling.

Friday Night Plans

Tonight Ryan and I have plans to do dinner with my parents. They’ve been in Jacksonville all week, while my mom went to appointments with doctors at the Mayo Clinic for followup tests to the end of her breast cancer treatment and my dad worked out of his Jacksonville office. Since Orlando is halfway between Jacksonville and their home in St. Pete, they’re stoppin’ by for dinner!

What do you make when you have people over for dinner?

Before work this morning, Ryan and I put ground chicken in the crock pot for tacos for all of us to enjoy. Tacos are a crowd pleaser and such an easy meal. I’m looking forward to a nice night with my fiance and family (and Sadie too, of course). 🙂

Cinnamon Toast Chocolate Chip Yogurt Bowl

Good morning!

My breakfast today was a cinnamon toast pretzel chocolate chip yogurt bowl, and booooy was it tasty!

My most recent order from Netrition.com arrived last night and I couldn’t wait to try the bag of Kay’s Naturals Better Balance cinnamon toast pretzel sticks.

Cinnamon Toast Pretzels

I ate about half the bag before stirring the remaining sticks into my Chobani Greek yogurt and topping the mix with chocolate chips.

Sweet, Salty, Creamy

I had a hot mug of sugar cookie tea on the side.

Friday's Breakfast

It’s probably a good thing that I got an individual portion of those pretzel sticks because I could see myself downing an entire bag very easily.

It’s almost like anything out of a big bag or box makes me want to keep eating and eating. I think that’s why I cannot be trusted around a half-gallon of ice cream or a box of Cheez-its. The remaining portions taunt me until they’re gone.

Gym Gripes

Since Ryan has the day off work and wasn’t getting up at 5:30 a.m. with me this morning, I opted to skip my typical 5:45 a.m. Friday BodyPump class and save strength training for tomorrow.

Instead, I slept in until 6:30 a.m. and went to the gym for a cardio-only workout consisting of:

  • 15 min. adaptive motion trainer
  • 10 min. running stairs in the gym’s stairwell
  • 10 min. running
  • 15 min. elliptical

I got so irritated during my 10 minute run because I ran on a treadmill controlled by a touch screens. If I so much as grazed the screen, the whole workout changed and it would slow down my pace dramatically and hurt my running rhythm. Bleh.

I intended to keep running, but was so fed up when the treadmill reset my entire workout after 10 minutes that I opted to finish my workout on the elliptical. Oooh the headaches of working out.

What bothers you at the gym?

At the risk of sounding like a total brat, I am the most bothered when someone takes “my spot” in BodyPump. It’s my spot, and they should know that. 😉