Mental Health Break

My Friday is flyin’ by! I’m checking things off the to-do list, left and right. It’s a good thing I’ve had such a productive morning because I’m leaving work a little early today for a “mental health break.”

At my work, certain milestones or projects are rewarded with random prizes ranging from a $5 foot long sub from Subway to a half-day of work and more.

One of my coworkers won a “mental health break” for meeting a goal. The “mental health break” is a prize that allows the winner to select another coworker to take to see a movie in the middle of the work day.

I was lucky to be selected and we’re leaving work around 3 p.m. to see a movie. I don’t know what movie we’re going to see yet, so I’ll keep you posted.

Have you seen any good movies lately?

The last movie I saw in the theater was Sherlock Holmes. I thought it was a goodie!


Lunch today was a repeat from Wednesday.

Pasta Bowl

Friday's Lunch

I just can’t get enough pasta in my life, I guess!

Overactive Nose

This morning I feel like my nose is on smell patrol!

Take Time to Stop and Smell the Roses

Today I have been very sensitive to even the slightest smells.

It started when a stinky person got on the stair master next to me at the gym. I promise I’m not just being mean, they really were stinky. You know the type… Drenched shirt, dripping hair, sweat on the floor next to their machine…

After completely 20 minutes of a stinky stair master workout, I took my sweat session to the treadmill and the elliptical to finish it out.

I came home and leashed up Sadie for our morning walk.

Ready for Walkin'

Thankfully the air on our walk smelled fresh and crisp. We even enjoyed the sweet smell of citrus when we passed a grapefruit tree.

After our walk I took a shower and was one again overwhelmed by a new smell. Last night we ran out of our girly moisturizing soap with aloe for soft and silky skin, and Ryan broke into his “man soap.”

Kiehl's Man Soap

He received the “Ultimate Man Body Scrub Soap” as a gift for Christmas. It smells really good… but like a guy. So now I smell like a guy. A good smelling guy… but a guy nonetheless. Sexy, no?

On to the last strong smell…

As I was blow drying my hair, Sadie came in to keep me company and did a little stretch before heading into the bedroom to watch me complete my morning routine from our bed. About 1.5 seconds later, I realized that mid-stretch Sadie let out a stink bomb!

Our bathroom smelled like a mix of man and flatulence… but I guess those two smells go together pretty frequently anyway.

What is your favorite smell?

I love the smell of:

  • Cinnamon candles
  • Freshly baked cookies
  • The beach
  • Sadie (her fur, not her gas)
  • Ryan
  • Freshly baked bread
  • Cinnamon rolls
  • Pizza


After Sadie’s gas attack, I was ready for some good smellin’ stuff in my life again. Enter breakfast!

Today’s breakfast included cinnamon lavash chips that I baked in the oven using a Joseph’s lavash bread. I dipped them in yogurt pudding made with Chobani Greek yogurt and a spoonful of butterscotch pudding mix.


Butterscotch Yogurt Pudding

All around good breakfast!