Registering & Ryan’s Wedding Band

Phew! Where did the day go???

Running –> Breakfast –> Mall –> Pool…

That brings us to lunch!


I knew Ryan and I were going to be out and about for a while, so after gettin’ some sun by the pool for an hour, I came home to make a filling lunch.

Today’s mid-day meal included basil fettuccine pasta with steamed broccoli, topped with Barilla mushroom and garlic pasta sauce and Parmesan cheese.

Noodle Bowl

Parmesan Cheese, Please

This was my first time trying the Barilla mushroom and garlic pasta sauce and I absolutely loved it. The sauce reminded me of authentic Italian pasta sauce you’d get from a gourmet restaurant. Yum!

Stirred Up

Once our bellies were sufficiently stuffed we headed out.

Registering at Bed Bath & Beyond

Our first destination was Bed Bath & Beyond to register for our wedding.

Ready to Register

Our first registry experience at Williams-Sonoma was so positive, so we had high hopes for our time at BB&B.

Within two minutes of arriving at the store we met with two men who explained the registry process to us and answered our questions. Then, one of them took us around the store as we registered.

At first I wasn’t sure we were going to like someone following us around the entire time, but it turned out really well. The associate was there to answer questions, guide us toward some neat products and look up items we didn’t see in the store.  

We were there for much longer than I thought! By the time we got back to our car it was after 5:30 p.m.!

Rings: Round Two

Once we realized what time it was, we high-tailed it over to Winter Park to swing by the jeweler we previously visited to discuss our wedding bands further. I am looking for a band with several princess cut diamonds on it to match my engagement ring, but we’re struggling a bit to find the right size diamonds.

These diamonds, for example, were too big:

Bling, Bling

The woman we were working with at the jeweler is going to put out her “feelers” to see if she can locate something less showy. I am thinking I’d like a band with between five and seven princess-cut diamonds. You’d think it’d be an easy thing to find, but it’s tough! You gotta get the size juuuuust right!

Selecting Ryan’s band was much easier!

Ryan's Wedding Band

I love his ring. It’s a platinum band with etching that looks simple, classy and masculine. Perfect-o!


We initially planned on selecting the groomsman’s tuxes today, but decided to push that back to another time since registering took longer than we expected.

With two wedding-related errands out of the way, we were ready for dinner!

We swung by Moe’s on our way home for some Mexican grub.

I enjoyed a cheesy quesadilla with chicken, salsa, black and pinto beans.


That ‘dilla was g-o-o-d!

Ryan and I also shared chips and salsa while enjoying our respective ‘dillas.

Chips + Salsa


Can you believe I’ve never had a milkshake from Steak ‘n Shake? With as much as I love milkshakes and ice cream, you’d think I would’ve tried one from such a prominent fast-food milkshake maker!

After dinner, Ryan decided it was time for me to have my first Steak ‘n Shake milkshake, so we ordered a cookies ‘n’ cream shake to share.

Cookies 'n' Cream Shake

Looks pretty good, huh? Well, it was… until we got about a third of the way into the shake. Then, all the cookies disappeared and the shake was basically a vanilla shake. Meh.

Still, I dominated the shake and probably had 3/4 of it, but I wasn’t impressed. 

We arrived home a little after 7:30 and are planning on spending the rest of the night updating our registries online and relaxing!

Hope you’re having great weekend so far! 😀


VICTORY is mine!!! 😀

Guess what I did this morning?

I went running!

6 Mile Stats

And my heel didn’t hurt. Plantar fasciitis ain’t got nuffin’ on me! 😉

Truth be told, I am beginning to think I don’t have full-blown plantar fasciitis.

Though the “running expert” at our local running store felt my foot last week  and said he was pretty sure I had plantar fasciitis, I did a lot of research and talked to more people about the symptoms of the condition. I have come to the conclusion that I may have a very mild case of plantar fasciitis, but that the real pain I was experiencing in my heel last week was likely due to a bruised heel.

Ninety-five percent of the pain I was experiencing in my heel occurred on impact, when I would walk or run. It sounds like those with plantar fasciitis feel tightness and pain regardless of whether or not they’re running or walking.

After noticing pretty intense pain in my heel, I gave myself a little more than a week off from running completely. 

My heel started to  feel remarkably better on Wednesday of this week.Though I was tempted to run on Thursday, I told myself to take a couple more days of rest and save my first attempt at running for this morning.

At 8 a.m., I leashed up Sadie for a run around the lake near our apartment. I promised myself I would stop at the slightest sign of pain. Six miles later our run was done and I was still pain free!

I am so happy. I feel like I will be able to at least participate in the half marathon on August 1. Now I just have to build up my mileage after 2+ weeks off of running my long runs. Eek!


Breakfast this morning resembled yesterday’s lunch because I couldn’t stop thinking about how delicious my spiced up peanut butter and banana sandwich was during my run this morning. (There are some adorable odes to different foods in the comment section of that post that you should check out if you’re in the mood for a smile. 🙂 )

I made myself a pb & b sandwich with Krema natural creamy peanut butter combined with one tablespoon of caramel sauce on one slice of honey wheat bread and banana slices on the other slice.

Banana + Pumpkin Pie Spice

I sprinkled everything with pumpkin pie spice before slicing the sandwich and digging in.

Saturday Morning Breakfast

I don’t know about you, but I find that spreading refrigerated natural peanut butter can be a huge pain. I recently started microwaving the tablespoon or two of peanut butter I remove from the jar for on my sandwich before spreading it, which makes it much easier to spread. Just a lil’ tip!

Ooey-Gooey Peanut Buttery

The Goods

This breakfast was a slam dunk! 😀

Today’s Plans

Today will be a busy but fun day!

Our plans include:

  • Returns at the mall
  • Pool time
  • Select the tuxes/suits for Ryan & his groomsman for our wedding
  • Register at Bed Bath & Beyond

Annnnnd I’m off!