Bachelorette Fun Begins!

Bachelorette weekend day one was amazingly fun!

Let’s start from the beginning…

After work yesterday, Ryan drove me and my friend Laurel to the airport to catch our 6 p.m. flight to Chicago. We enjoyed dinner while waiting at the gate at the airport.

I opted for a chicken caesar salad from Starbucks.

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The whole bottom of the salad had a layer of Parmesan cheese, which I loved.

Our flight took off about 15 minutes late. Unfortunately Laurel and I didn’t have seats together, but I did get to enjoy two hours of quality time with my book.

When we landed in Chicago, we headed to baggage claim to meet up with our friend Leah and take the train into downtown Chicago to my friend Krystal’s apartment to kick off bachelorette fun!

I was so touched my all the time and effort my friends put into planning a weekend full of bachelorette fun! They had every last detail planned and presented everything to me in an adorable itinerary.

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After changing into a tank that said “BRIDE” on it, given to me by my girlfriends and donning a hot pink feather boa, it was time to enjoy some drinks!

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My friend Merri played bartender and made us delicious chocolate martinis by combining hot chocolate mix and vodka and topping them with whipped cream and chocolate shavings.

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How cute is my glass? My friend Leah made a bedazzled martini glass for everyone with our initials on them.

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In addition to my boa, I also wore a necklace that my friends made with paper rings. Each ring had a different dare written on it to complete throughout the night!

After enjoying a couple more drinks, we were ready to head out to Howl at the Moon, a fun piano bar in downtown Chicago.

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Once there, we sang, drank and danced the night away!

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My friends were pretty sneaky and even had me called on stage a couple of times. I made sure to sing my little heart out to Madonna’s Like a Virgin and Goin’ to the Chapel. 🙂 Luckily my friends joined me half-way through and helped sing along!

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After all of the singing and dancing, we took our party train to Beaumont’s, a late-night bar for some more fun.

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And that was our night in a nutshell (minus the 3 a.m. ransacking of tortilla chips, French onion dip, peanut butter bars and cookies 😉 ).

Today has been flyin’ by and I’m off to take a shower before more bachelorette fun tonight.

Here’s a hit about what we’re doing this evening: Boys will be girls. 😉
