BBQ Pulled Chicken

Oh my gosh, you guys cracked me up with your professions of love for beanie weenies. I have the best blog readers ever! 😀

Mellissa even said she won a beanie weenie t-shirt a couple years ago. I had instant beanie weenie envy, and did an immediate Google search for a t-shirt of my own. No such luck! Wear that shirt with pride, Mellissa!

Evening Activities

When I arrived home from work today, Sadie’s demeanor told me that a simple walk around the lake just wouldn’t do. Today was a dog park kind of day!

Sadie the Nut Job

We leashed up the pup and headed out to Baldwin Park for an hour of doggie merriment.

“I Love My Ball!”


Smilin' at the Park

Don’t we look like Christmas in the above picture? Every time I see red and green, I always think of Christmas!

Also, check out this cool picture we took at the dog park today. We didn’t realize the camera was zoomed, but I love how it focused in on Ryan and blurred me in the background. Neat! (Sorry Ryan for posting such a mega close-up. I think you look cute! 🙂 )

Blurry + Focused

What is your pet’s favorite activity?

Sadie loves playing fetch, but I think her favorite game is “keep away.” She runs around like a crazy dog with a ball or stick in her mouth and we chase her until we’re about to die or have an asthma attack. It’s great fun!


I’m so happy I made a grocery store pit stop before work today because our apartment smelled wonderful thanks to the chicken chillin’ in the ol’ crocker.

Tendin' to the Chicken

Ryan pulled the two ingredient chicken using two forks while I got the veggies ready.

Just like last Monday, I added BBQ sauce to my chicken and enjoyed it on a whole wheat sandwich thin. BBQ sandwiches are so darn delicious.

BBQ Saaaauce

My Plate

BBQ Pulled Chicken Sandwich

Stay tuned tomorrow morning for an exciting giveaway! Hooray!

Beanie Weenies

One of Ryan’s favorite meals is beanie weenies.

Not familiar with beanie weenies? It’s a fancy and fun lil’ name for the traditional franks ‘n’ beans dish!

Beanie Weenies

Baked beans with chopped-up hot dogs really is a delicious one-bowl meal. Ryan introduced me to the yumminess and I’m quite a fan.

What’s your favorite way to enjoy baked beans?

I like ’em best on top of a grilled hot dog filled with lots of veggies and condiments. YUM.


Though I didn’t have beanie weenies for lunch today, I did enjoy beans!

I made tuna salad using light Miracle Whip, relish and mustard and stirred in a bunch of kidney beans.

Tuna Salad

I plopped the mix on top of shredded lettuce and dug in!

Lunch Plate

Tuesday's Lunch

It was good… not beanie weenies good, but still quite delish, not to mention much more nutritious.

Back to work… lots on the to do list today!

In a Flash

Sometimes I get through my workout, a morning walk with Sadie and my shower in a flash! Today it seems like I flew through everything.

The Flash


I got to the gym and did a quick 10 minute warm up on the elliptical before heading to spinning.

Since I enjoyed the 6 a.m. spin class so much last Tuesday, I made sure to take it again this morning. Unfortunately the instructor announced that she will no longer be teaching on Tuesdays at 6 a.m. What a bummer! I just discovered her awesome class. Oh well… At least I got to enjoy her rockin’ music today. 😀

How good is the song I Gotta Feeling, by the Black Eyed Peas!? I don’ t think I’ll ever get sick of it!

"Tonight's Gonna Be a Good Night..."

Grocery Stop

After the gym and a nice 40-minute walk with Miss Sadie (she was in prime squirrel-hunting mode today), I showered up and was ready in no time.

Since I seemed to fly through everything, I had some extra time to spare before heading into work this morning and stopped by the grocery store to pick up food for dinner tonight.

The grocery store is so peaceful before 8:30 a.m.

When do you typically do your grocery shopping?

Ryan and I hit up the grocery store on Sunday afternoons most of the time. Sometimes we’ll be lazy and won’t get around to going until Monday nights. The grocery store is a mad house on Mondays!

After my morning grocery run, I came home and unloaded my bag (a green bag, of course 😉 ) before putting chicken in the crock pot. I see BBQ pulled chicken in my future… YUM.


Breakfast was super simple and super tasty!

Tuesday's Breakfast

I enjoyed a hot bowl of old fashioned oats with All the Whey cupcake batter protein powder stirred in for that extra protein punch! I also sipped on free Barnie’s cinnamon butter cookie coffee from my gym. It tastes like a dessert drink. Right up my alley.

Cupcake Batter Oats