Easy Peasy

Since I couldn’t take Sadie on too long of a walk this morning due to my Invisalign appointment, I knew a trip to the dog park would be mandatory tonight. Sadie needed open space to run around and act like a psycho puppy!

The Gang

Play Time!

I took this picture of Sadie and her new friend for Ryan’s grandma and her boyfriend:

Sadie and a New Friend

They have a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel like the one Sadie’s playing with above and are big-time dog lovers like me and Ryan. 🙂

Yay for the Dog Park!


Because I knew a trip to the park was in store, I made sure to plan a quick dinner for tonight and threw several chicken breasts in the crock pot with chicken broth before I went to work and let ’em cook on low all day.

After pulling the meat apart with forks, Ryan and I added BBQ sauce to the chicken and enjoyed an easy peasy dinner!

BBQ Chicken

BBQ Chicken Sandwich


Crock pot creations and breakfast for dinner are my fall back meals when I need an easy dinner.

What’s your fall back easy peasy meal?

Be Your Own Olympian

I read an interesting article today in the Health & Fitness section of MSN.com, offering average people tips on how to train like an Olympian.

  • Set a goal and break it down
  • Cross train
  • Work out with others
  • Utilize people who can help you (a trainer, nutritionist, physical therapist, etc.)

I wish I had a nutritionist, or better yet, a personal chef, to “utilize.”  Ryan and I ask each other “would you rather” questions all the time, and one of my past favorites is, “Would you rather have a personal trainer or a personal chef?”

This was an easy one for both of us… Personal chef! I would love to have someone make nutritious and delicious meals for me. How sweet would that be!? I think I would miss cooking and baking a bit though…

Now it’s your turn:

Would you rather have a personal trainer or a personal chef?

Aren’t “would you rather” questions fun? 😀

Mid Morning Snack

My breakfast sandwich was tasty, but not too filling. I dug into my mid morning snack a bit early today.

Peanutty Yogurt

I ate a small handful of peanuts before sprinkling a few on top of a cup of Fage Greek yogurt.

I think Fage is my favorite brand of Greek yogurt. It tastes the thickest to me, which is my main criteria for good tastin’ yogurt.

Click here for $.50 off any Fage Greek yogurt.


When I made pasta for lunch yesterday, I made extra to pack in my lunch today.

Pasta Bowl

This particular pasta bowl had lots of veggies mixed in, plus several shakes of Parmesan cheese.

Is pasta even pasta without Parmesan cheese???

We Got It!!!

We got the apartment!!! HOORAY!

Sign Here, Please!

I actually think the place is more like a “mini house,” as it is a stand-alone building, with a fenced-in backyard. The house is actually about five houses down from our current place!

Ryan and I are thrilled and will be meeting with our new landlord tomorrow or Wednesday to officially sign the lease.

What is something you absolutely need when looking for a place to rent?

I need a washer and a dryer. That’s a must for me.

Here are the aspects of the house that really attracted us to the place:

  • WONDERFUL location (safe neighborhood and within walking distance of our gym)
  • Fenced in backyard
  • Washer/dryer
  • Dishwasher
  • Large master bedroom, plus two smaller bedrooms (one will be made into an office/study)
  • Great price

We will officially move in April 1, but since it’s ready right now, our new landlord said we can start transferring stuff earlier if we want. That should make the whole moving process a lot less stressful!

Work out

Unfortunately our alarm was still set for 6:30 a.m. from Friday, not 5:30 a.m. as we typically do on Monday mornings so I can make BodyPump and Ryan can get a workout in before work. We woke up a little before  6a.m., but Ryan still missed his workout. 😦

I was able to get to the gym and did a modified cardio/total-body weights workout. Not too shabby!

After a quick walk with Sadie and a hot shower, I headed to my orthodontist’s office for an Invisalign appointment. I have about two months to go, and then we’ll do “refinement” to get my teeth exactly the way I want them to look. I’m happy to be on the tail end of this process!


I was excited to dig into my hot breakfast sandwich today since it’s still so cold outside. I made an easy sandwich with cheese, Canadian bacon and a whole wheat sandwich thin.

Breakfast Sandwich

It was hot ‘n’ yummy.

Happy President’s Day!

Presidential Seal