Pomegranate Smoothie + Sadie Looks Stressed

This Saturday morning has been go, go, go from the minute we woke up!

We spent the first hour of our day doing dishes and laundry and picking up around the apartment.

After snacking on a quesadilla (Colby jack string cheese warmed on a whole wheat quesadilla), Ryan and I headed to the gym for a fast and sweaty workout.

I did a random cardio hodgepodge that included:

  • 10 min. stair master
  • 30 min. elliptical
  • 1 round At Home Cardio Blast (Same one I did last weekend)

Once Ryan and I were done at the gym, we headed home and leashed up Sadie for a 2.5 mile walk.

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Sometimes I get the feeling that Sadie doesn’t particularly enjoy lots of loving cuddles on our walks…

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I mean that face doesn’t exactly say “I love you, Mom! More cuddles, please!” 😉

Ryan and I couldn’t stop laughing when we saw her stressed out bug-eyed face in that picture.

In the words of Chandler Bing, she’s a hoot!

Once our walk was over, we ran a couple of errands and Ryan got a haircut. By the time we got back home it was after 11 a.m. and I was more than hungry!


I wanted a F-A-S-T breakfast and thought a cold, creamy smoothie sounded perfect.

I busted out the blender and got to work.

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I made a pomegranate smoothie by combining the following:

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The result was a thick, creamy smoothie with a little bit of tang from the pomegranate juice. It was tasty!

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I served it in an adorable wine glass that I received from blog reader Alyssa who noticed that I am a huge lover of Etsy, an online marketplace where artists can sell handmade goods.

Alyssa has a super-crafty shop of her own through Etsy and sells hand painted wine glasses that she creates herself.

How cute is this Wine-O glass?

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It’s definitely meant for a true wine-o, because it is huge!

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It held my entire smoothie without a problem.

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Plus, the glass matched my smoothie, and you guys know how much I love matchy matchy things. 😉

I gotta get runnin’ because I have a mani/pedi appointment today and then Ryan’s mom and her boyfriend are heading over to hang out for the rest of the day.

See ya in a bit!

26 Responses

  1. Hahaha, I couldn’t stop laughing either at Sadie’s face!! Maybe there was a squirrel in the background? The wine glass is super cute! I love crafty things like that!

  2. aww! that is sooo funny and cute! our dog Addie does that sometimes! and other times she is all about hugs and kisses!

  3. I love that wine glass! 🙂 Also, I know it sounds weird, but I wish my gym at a stair master. It’s in my apartment complex, so it just has treadmills, elliptical, bike, weights and weight machines, which isn’t bad, but I miss the stair master, and taking classes!

  4. that wine glass is so fun! i’ll have to check out her shop. i love etsy too! i got some great earrings there. 🙂

  5. Oh my gosh, Sadie’s face is priceless in that photo! Frame it! haha. I couldn’t stop laughing- she is definitely asking for more love, if you ask me 🙂

  6. HAHA! Sadie! Wow! What a face! I’m sure she loves y’all to pieces, but she definitely has something else on her mind in those photos. 🙂

  7. That smoothie looks sooo good!

  8. Love that wine glass! It’s so pretty. I like crafty things like that. Plus, pretty dishes make food taste better. 😀

  9. That smoothie looks so pretty! What a pretty shade of pink! =)

  10. Ha, Sadie’s face is priceless!! She seems like one of those dogs who really just wants to run and play 🙂

    That smoothie looks delicious!

  11. That smoothie sounds delicious! I love POM juice!

  12. hahahaha! sadie! that’s a hilarious face! she’s probably like, “enough pictures! time to run!”

    the pom smoothie looks delicious!

  13. That smoothie sounds delicious – the wine glass makes it look even better! 🙂 Sadie’s face looks hilarious! Poor doggie! ❤

  14. Sadie face seriously made me “laugh out loud!” Reminds me of my dogs who get so excited to be free in the outdoors.

  15. Haha Sadie looks so happy! I love when animals get freaked out like that

  16. What a cute pink drink in an adorable glass! Have fun at the mani/pedi! What color are you getting?

  17. I feel SO much more sophisticated when I drink out of a fancy glass!

  18. I saw the same breed dog you have at the vet this morning. I was trying to tell my hubby the name of the breed and I forgot. Can you mention it again?

  19. Sadie is too stinking cute! Enjoy your day. 🙂

  20. What kind of vanilla protein powder do you use? In you Q&A, you said you liked All the Whey, but I was looking for it online, but it looks like it was discontinued. Where do you buy yours, or do you have any good suggestions for protein powders?

  21. I can’t stop laughing at Sadie! She looks so funny in that picture. You should totally do a day in the life of Sadie.

  22. ahaha dogs make the funniest faces 🙂 That smoothie looks gooooodd…..

  23. My dogs are the same way! I just think they gotta look cool for the other dogs that might be around, so no affection for mom! Sadie looks hilarious!

  24. aww you and ryan are so cute!
    i must say, you two make a lovely couple. you’re such a beautiful girl and he’s so hunky! haha

  25. Oh my gosh, I can’t stop laughing at that picture! There was another picture you posted a long time ago of Sadie being crazy and they both make me laugh every time!

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