Broiled Curry Tilapia

It’s the little things in life that make me smile the most.

Look at what the UPS guy left on top of a package he delivered to us today:

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Sadie met the UPS guy for the first time yesterday, so when he dropped off another package for us today when we weren’t home, he left a little treat for Miss Sadie on top.

How cute! 🙂


Another simple thing made me smile this evening… Trying and somewhat enjoying curry.

For as long as I can remember the smell of curry always turned me off.

After browsing around different websites for a tasty tilapia recipe, I stumbled upon a Cooking Light recipe for broiled tilapia with Thai coconut curry sauce. Since the ingredient list was about a mile long for that particular recipe, I decided to keep it simple and make broiled tilapia, seasoned lightly with salt, pepper and curry.

As I seasoned the fish with several shakes of curry, I found that the smell wasn’t quite as bad as I remembered. I still wouldn’t say it was mouth-watering, but it wasn’t repulsive to me, either.

Within 10 minutes, our broiled curry tilapia filets were ready for eatin’.

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Along with the fish we enjoyed roasted Brussels sprouts and onions seasoned with garlic salt.

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So, how was the curry-seasoned tilapia? I ate the whole thing, if that says anything. 😉

I must confess that I added a big squirt of ketchup to the plate, which helped a bit.

I definitely did enjoy this meal and feel more open to trying other curry-seasoned dishes in the future. Maybe curry will be like broccoli… Something that takes me years to learn to love. 😀

Question of the Evening

Is there a particular spice you don’t or once didn’t enjoy? Did you ever learn to love it?

Well I’m Cold Blooded, Check It and See

“Well, I’m hot blooded, check it and see
I got a fever of a hundred and three
Come on baby, do you do more than dance?
I’m hot blooded, I’m hot blooded”

Though I love that song, I am most definitely not hot blooded. In fact, I’m just the opposite.

“Well I’m cold blooded, check it and see
I got the chills and the goose bumpies
My arm hairs stick up, no they won’t go down,
I’m cold blooded, I’m cold blooded!”

I blame my dad for passing his “I’m always cold” gene onto me.

The Cold Ones (Twilight? What?)

The two of us may be found snuggled under a blanket in 80 degree weather (with a huge bowl of chocolate marshmallow ice cream in our laps, might I add 😉 ).

My cold bloodedness was absolutely thriving at work today. Why must office buildings be so darn cold?

By the time lunch rolled around, my arm hairs had not stopped standing on end since I sat down at my desk a little before 9 a.m.

Since the lunch I packed to enjoy today was a cold one, I knew I had to get something h-o-t to warm my insides.

Enter, Starbucks!

After walking two blocks to Starbucks and nabbing a hot Tazo passion tea, I felt nice and cozy.

Starbucks Tazo Passion Tea

A warm belly made me much more excited about eating my cold lunch.

On the menu for today was a big salad that included:

  • Mixed baby greens
  • Grape tomatoes
  • Cucumber slices
  • Shredded carrots
  • Red and orange peppers
  • Radishes (which, come to find, I don’t really like)
  • Edamame

Big Ol' Salad

Holy Veggie Overload!

I used salsa as my salad dressing of choice.

Super Silly Salsa

I also enjoyed a juicy peach on the side.

Fuzzy Peach

The Goods

Ooooh yum. I enjoyed this ten times more after downing my tea than I would have if I were cold. Eating a cold salad when you’re freezing is not appealing!

Question of the Afternoon

  • What places do you think are often unreasonably hot or unreasonably cold?

The Most Awkward Move at the Gym

Today’s workout included the most awkward move you can possibly do at the gym:

Hubba, Hubba

Doesn’t this move seem wildly inappropriate?

Despite the totally embarrassing nature of this move, it really is a great lil’ one to do to target your tushie.

I felt like a complete tool as I completed three sets of this weighted hip thrust, but my butt felt the burn and that’s what I was goin’ for!

Ryan and I have talked in the past about embarrassing moves to do at the gym. One of his favorites is the hip abductor machine.

"Hey, Baby!"

Something about the hip abductor machine just screams, “Hey, baby! Come look at my crotch!”

The things we do in the name of fitness… 😉

Along with 20 minutes of cardio split between the stair master and the elliptical, my workout included this total-body weights routine:

Work it Oooout


Breakfast today included a little experiment.

I read about Bethenny Frankel’s recipe for brown rice hot cereal in a magazine a couple of weeks ago and made a mental note to try to incorporate the healthy grain into my morning meal.

I started with a cup of Fage Greek yogurt.



On top of the yogurt, I added brown rice, sliced peaches and nutmeg for some added texture and sweetness.

Brown Rice Breakfast Bowl

I used brown rice from a packet of Uncle Ben’s whole grain brown Ready Rice which made this meal super easy to assemble.

Eat Up, Buttercup!

The verdict?

Deeeeelicious! It reminded me a lot of one of my barley breakfast bowls, but it was easier to prepare since the rice was pre-cooked thanks to good ol’ Uncle Ben.

Time to get to work, friends. See ya fo’ lunch! 😀

Question of the Morning

In your opinion, what is the most embarrassing move you can do in the name of fitness?

I’m sure you yoga-lovers have some good ones!