Life in a Musical

I know musicals aren’t for everybody, but one thing’s for sure: They’re for me!

Sing Me a Song

I love the energy and excitement surrounding a musical. I love how watching a musical makes you want to jump on top of your chair and sing!

I often leave musicals wishing my life was a musical.

How cool would that be?

Let’s just say your boss comes in and dumps a whole lot of work in your lap… on a Friday… at 4 p.m. *Cue angry drums and dark lighting!*

Or, on the flip side, your boyfriend calls and tells you he planned a romantic surprise date for you. *Cue light and peppy music, with a romantic melody provided by violins.*


Clearly I am getting quite excited for my plans to see Mary Poppins with my mom and sister this evening.

Mary Poppins

I adore the movie and am sure the musical will be just as fantastic. I’ve only heard wonderful things, so I cannot wait to see it for myself.

Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down…” 😀 (Ain’t that the truth?)


Lunch was sung to the tune of Carba Nada pasta with steamed cauliflower and marinara sauce.

Noodle Bowl

Bad news. I forgot to sprinkle my noodle bowl with Parmesan cheese. *Cue dark music.*

Where's the Cheese!?

I included a boat-load of cauliflower in my pasta and I am stuffed!

For dessert I had three strawberries that were the size of a small child.

Big Berry

I hope to high-tail it outta work a little on the early side today since I came in early and want to make it to St. Pete in time to drop Sadie off at my parents’ house and head back out to Tampa for the show.

I plan to make a pit stop at Starbucks for a light Frappuccino (which apparently you can now completely customize) en route to St. Pete.

Questions of the Afternoon

Do you like musicals? What musicals have you seen? What is your favorite musical?

Clearly I am a musical fan. I’ve seen quite a few, including:

  • Wicked
  • Legally Blonde: The Musical
  • Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (My all-time favorite!)
  • Mama Mia!
  • Hairspray
  • Jesus Christ Superstar
  • The Lion King
  • Guys and Dolls

Closed-Mouth Smile

We all do it: The closed-mouth smile. The smile that shows no teeth. The insincere smile that acknowledges someone’s presence, but doesn’t convey happiness.

Today as I let a man walk in front of my car, he waved thank you and gave me a smile… A big, toothy smile. It felt so genuine and real and made me smile.

I then started to think about my own smile.

Though I feel like I am a fairly smiley person, I definitely give the closed-mouth smile (or is it more of a smirk?) to many strangers. While I guess this is better than no smile at all, I’m sure it looks less than authentic.

Don’t get me wrong, a big grin can look pretty creepy if you show your teeth to a random person in the store, but when a stranger does something nice for you (like opens the door for you), a genuine smile – with teeth – just may be in order.

Now, show me your smile! 😀

Not feeling too smiley today? Maybe this will help…

"Show Me Yo' Teef!"

She’s so goofy!


Aside from Sadie, who always makes me smile, my breakfast evoked a grin today, too.

When I woke up this morning, I knew a smoothie was going to be my breakfast of choice.

Strawberry Banana Smoothie

Drink Up!

I made a strawberry banana smoothie with extra ice cubes for added chill and texture.

I love it when breakfast totally hits the spot.



As I headed to the gym with Ryan this morning, I spent most of our short walk rubbing my neck. I must have slept on it funny last night because I have quite the crick today!

Rather than do 50 minutes of cardio as I normally do on Thursdays, I opted for 15 minutes on the stair master and a light 10 minute run before heading upstairs to take a yoga class to stretch out my neck and body.

I was a little nervous because I’ve only enjoyed yoga with one specific instructor. Fortunately today’s teacher was wonderful as well. I think the best way to describe her is a breath of fresh air.

She was so smiley (not closed-mouth smiley 🙂 ), and guided the class with such a soothing and uplifting voice.

Gosh, it sounds like I love her a little, huh?

Today’s Plans

I hope the work day flies by because I’m heading to Tampa after work to see Mary Poppins at Carol Morsani Hall in Tampa with my mom and sister.

Chim Chim Cher-ee, Chim Chim Cher-ee, Chim Chim Cher-roo!

Question of the Day

What do you think about the closed-mouth smile? Do you think a smile from someone really has the ability to brighten your day?