I Made ‘Em Extra Sloppy For Ya

“Have some more sloppy joes! I made ’em extra sloppy for ya!”

(Name that movie!)

To me, sloppy joes are a summertime staple.

They remind me of coming in for dinner after a night of playing neighborhood games outside (kick the can and ghost in the graveyard, anyone!?).

I know it’s not quite summer, but the warmer weather had me cravin’ the good stuff.

I set out to make a healthier version of the ol’ joes.

Into a skillet went 1.5 pounds of lean ground beef, followed by 3/4 of a large, sliced onion.

I like my sloppy joes on the vinegary side, so once the meat was browned, I added 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar and 1/2 cup ketchup to the skillet and let it simmer for a bit while I roasted squash and zucchini in the oven.

Sloppy Joes

In no time at all, we had a summertime feast!

My Plate

I went back for two more spoonfuls of sloppy joe meat.

What foods remind you of summer?

To me, summer is epitomized by watermelon and ice cream on a stick, a la the ice cream man.

25 Responses

  1. Billy Madison!! Great Movie….your dinner looks delicious!

  2. watermelon!
    hamburgers and hotdogs on the grill!

  3. BILLY MADISON hahaha

    remind me of summer?! watermelon, lemonade and anything on the bbq! oh and a cold brew 😉

  4. Definitely ice cream, watermelon, bbq chicken, fresh tomatoes, & corn on the cob!

  5. Yum, sloppy joes! That’s something I haven’t had in a while 🙂

    I’m thinking of placing an order from netrition soon and want to take advantage of the $5 shipping by buying in bulk. What do you usually buy from there?

  6. such a classic movie. i swear ive seen it 50 times.
    shampoo is better!

  7. Melon! Watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe, they are all my fav summertine fruits!

  8. billy madison! i love burgers, fajitas, and guac…those ALWAYS remind me of summertime…oh, and margaritas 😉

  9. anything watermelon makes me think summer…

    the last time i played kick the can i was running so hard that i ran into an iron fence and got a concussion and HUGE golf ball size lump on my head. haha. oh to be a kid again…

  10. I LOVE billy madison, its a definite favorite in my household! And summertime just always makes me think of grilling out, pasta salad, and huge chunks of pineapple…yum!

  11. I always associate strawberries with summer. My parents always had a few little strawberry fields near our cabin and we would be munching on them throughout June. Yum yum.
    As embarrassing as it is – I have actually never had Sloppy Joe before. 🙂

  12. Cold pasta salad! My mom used to make a TON of it on the weekend then we’d eat that and salads for dinner during the week when it was too hot to cook anything at all.

    I had to laugh at the title of your blog post because my husband was just quoting the sloppy joe line this morning as we were walking out to our cars together!

  13. I love sloppy joes!

    Hearing the little ice cream truck reminds me of summer.

  14. i heart heart squeeze squeeze sloppy joes! i must make some soon!!!

    watermelon, ice cream and cucumber salad!!! love summer food!!

  15. Watermelon and burgers on the grill remind me of summer!!

  16. Do you like it with lean beef? We do NOT like lean beef burgers, but do like it in a few things when it is browned up.

    • we really liked it w/ the lean beef… i think the onions, ketchup & vinegar really add a lot of flavor, so the lean beef works really well in this recipe!

  17. Shloppy joes, shlop, shloppy joes! I love that movie 😉

    In the summer I love to eat anything grilled. Veggies, burgers, kabobs, anything! 🙂

  18. Haha love the title of the post! Have some more sloppy joes!!

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