Mail-Inspired Breakfast

I love getting mail! Packages, magazines, letters… I love it all! Yesterday I received a free sample package of Nature Valley Nut Clusters and knew I wanted to use the nutty/granola mixture in my morning Greek yogurt.

Nut Clusters

That’s just what I did and boy was it tasty!

Yogurt Topped with Nut Clusters

The clusters were oh-so-nutty and had the perfect amount of sweetness. I’m quite a fan.

Tuesday's Breakfast

I wolfed down this breakfast and a hot tumbler of my gym’s free coffee. Today’s flavors: Barnie’s French vanilla, hazelnut and cinnamon butter cookie coffees all mixed together.

Boss and a Leader

Please notice the fancy-schmancy tumbler in today’s breakfast picture. It was a freebie gift given to Ryan at work about a year ago at a training on leadership development. I feel ready to lead today!

True story: every night at dinner when I was growing up my dad would ask me and my sister what we did that day to be a boss and a leader. We always had to have something to report, whether it simply be that we answered a question correctly in class or that we got first place in a sporting event. The first one seemed to happen frequently,  though I’m not sure the second one ever did. 😉

Neck Update

Thank you for your well wishes about the worst crick in my neck I’ve ever experienced. I’m going on day three today, but fortunately I can now look to my right! Hooray for some mobility. 🙂

I had to keep my workout light and relatively stationary since the ol’ neck can’t handle running. I did 50 minutes of machine-based cardio: 10 minutes on the stair master and 40 minutes on the elliptical.

Pumpkorn Giveaway Winner

Using’s true number generator the two winners of the Pumpkorn giveaway are:

Spotty Prep and Mellissa!

Please email me ( with your address so I may send you your Pumpkorn samples. As stated in the giveaway post, Spotty Prep you’ll receive three packages of Pumpkorn (sea salt, honey ‘n’ flax and adobo chili flavors) and Mellissa will receive two packages of Pumpkorn (dark cocoa and original tamari garlic flavors).

10 Responses

  1. That is so cute about your dad at dinner when you were little. I bet it helped make you girls successful. 🙂

  2. Gotta love free samples!! Glad you enjoyed those clusters.. sound yum 🙂

  3. Yum these clusters sound delicious! And so does your gym’s free coffee…your gym gives FREE coffee?!!!…what gym do you go to!?! Those flavors sound amazing! 🙂 I hope you have a great tuesday! xoxo!

  4. ahh someday I will win!! Clusters look good.

    Your dads a funny guy! love it!

  5. My hubs LOVES those things!! The cashew lovers. I’ve been known to sneak a few 😉

  6. CONGRATS to the winner.
    I hope your neck gets better.

  7. your gym has free coffee? that is sweeeeet!

  8. Okay I love that your Dad asked you that every night at dinner? That is pretty cool! I might do that with my husband tonight…it seems like a cool way to really think about your actions and choices through-out a day!

  9. haha so cute about your dad, my dad always did (and still does) ask me everyday what I did today out of the ordinary. He always signed his cards “never be ordinary!” its a great lesson to teach kids at a young age things like this!

    yuummm that granola looks soo good! nut lovers?! YES PLEASE!!

  10. […] I was very young. Since several of you seemed to enjoy my “What did you do today to be a boss and a leader” story about my dad, here’s another charming tale involving my […]

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