PB2 For Me and You

Clearly the name of this blog does not disguise my intense love for peanut butter. The salty yet sweet goodness of the creamy spread has always been a favorite of mine.

Peanut Butter and Bread

Peanut Butter and Bread

Since peanut butter is high in calories and fat by nature, many companies have created alternatives to this nutty creation.

After reading reviews and hearing good things about PB2, a kind of powdered peanut butter, my curiosity finally got the best of me and I bought a jar.

Jar of PB2

Jar of PB2

As a self-proclaimed peanut butter lover, I was a little skeptical of this alternative. Real peanut butter has approximately 180-200 calories and 14g fat per two tablespoons whereas PB2 has around 50 calories with only 2g fat. Both options provide around 6g protein per serving.

Before enjoying PB2, the instructions say to mix two tablespoons of the powder with one tablespoon of water until the mixture becomes smooth and creamy.

PB2 Mixed

PB2 Mixed

Though certainly not a replacement for the real deal, I must admit I was quite impressed with PB2. The consistency was decent and the flavor was tasty. Die hard peanut butter devotees will not want to make the switch (and I’ll admit there’s no substitute for real peanut butter), but PB2 was pretty darn good and for those watching their calories, this is a wonderful option.

I enjoyed my PB2 roll-up style, spread on a whole wheat tortilla.



PB2 Tortilla

PB2 Tortilla

4 Responses

  1. I didn’t think we would like PB2 either, but we actually did! We like to mix it with water and a but of maple syrup, or sugar free syrup. It gives it an awesome consistency, and you can’t really taste the maple.
    -Jessica @ http://howsweet.wordpress.com/

  2. im on the fence with the PB2…i like it sometimes, but other times when I eat it, I think to myself what the heck am i eating?! this tastes nothong like PB…i do like it in smoothies or oatmeal mixed in though!

  3. Love pb2! I normally have real pb but at times when IVe already eaten some PB for the day Ill go for the PB2! The choc pb2 is good too, in some greek yogurt or oatmeal!

  4. oooh i have to try the chocolate pb2. sounds yummy – like a reese’s! 🙂

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