
Brief Overview

My name is Julie and I’m a 25-year-old writer/editor with a seriously huge interest in nutrition, healthy eating and leading an active, fun-filled life.

Well Hello, There!

I love creating healthy meals and experimenting with new foods and flavors. I try to live a healthy, balanced life but also enjoy my favorite indulgences (like a peanut butter finger or two… or five ๐Ÿ˜‰ ).

Feel free to contact me at PBFingers@gmail.com. I’d love to hear from you!


I grew up in a suburb of Chicago as a pretty active lil’ girl. Before high school I was active in basketball, dance, track and cross country (although I was terrible and would get so nervous before every meet in junior high). I also thoroughly enjoyed running around outside playing “neighborhood games” like ghost in the graveyard, flashlight tag and kick the can (these may be mid-western games, so if you’re not familiar, I would Google these games and play them immediately).

Once high school began, I became quite the water girl and was active on the swim team my freshman year. Once again, I wasn’t very good, so I switched to diving in the fall and water polo in the spring and fell in love. As a diver, I loved the challenge of learning new dives (although learning these dives often came with a lot of pain when I’d “smack” the water, which felt an awful lot like cement). With water polo, I enjoyed the camaraderie of the team and the endurance required to make it through an entire game without touching the bottom of the pool.

Fast forward to college and without practices or meets to keep me in shape, I wandered into the gym. I started off doing a lot of cardio and gradually incorporated weights into my routine. I became a gym addict and still continue this devotion by working out six days a week.


My typical routine includes cardio Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and weights with light cardio Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Sunday is my play day! I like to make Sunday an active rest day and enjoy activities like rollerblading or walking my dog.

Me and My Sister Before a 10K Race for the Cure Run

Me and My Sister Before a 10K Race for the Cure Run

My cardio days typically involve running or a spinning class or the elliptical/ arc trainer if I want to give my body a bit of a break.

I never used to be able to run more than 20 minutes until I graduated college and decided to train for a half marathon. With no activities or clubs demanding my time anymore, I felt like I needed a new goal in my life. I followed Hal Higdon’s training regimen and completed the half marathon in December 2007. I completed my second half marathon in Chicago on August 1, at the tail end of my bachelorette party.

I am convinced that most people’s phobia with running is purely mental and anyone can run a marathon if they dedicate the time and effort. There are so many training programs out there for novice runners and they can transform even the most hard-core “non-runner” into a marathoner.

My Beat Up Shoes After Completing My First Half Marathon

My Beat Up Shoes After Completing My First Half Marathon


My best friends in high school dubbed me “the bottomless pit” for my ability to eat copious amounts of food all the time. I love food and I love preparing a good meal or baking a fresh batch of cookies.

Greek Yogurt Pancakes

Shrimp & Zucchini Barley Risotto

During high school and college I was much more into baking, but entering the “real world” forced me to explore cooking if I wanted to eat anything other than Lean Cuisines, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or oatmeal. I began to enjoy the whole cooking process – from finding the perfect recipe to shopping for fresh ingredients to actually preparing the meal and sitting down at the table to dig into my latest creation.

I subscribed to Cooking Light, bought recipe books and became a Google-recipe fanatic. My favorite foodie challenge is creating a healthy spin on traditionally unhealthy comfort meals.

Rutabaga Fries

With my new love for cooking came a new love for fresh vegetables. As a “bottomless pit” I realized I could eat a ton of vegetables and finally feel satisfied with a good full feeling rather than the icky overloaded belly feeling that comes along with many traditional family meals (think Thanksgiving-type full, although I embrace that feeling on that particular holiday :)).

Today I try to eat healthy most of the time, but I am trying to be very balanced in my approach and eat the sweets or baked goodies I crave when I want them. The all-or-nothing approach to healthy eating simply doesn’t work for someone who adores ice cream, sugary cereal, Cheez-its and, of course, massive amounts of peanut butter. Balance is the key for me!

So, what in the world are peanut butter fingers?

Quite possibly my favorite snack everrr… take your finger, dip it in the peanut butter jar & voila! Peanut butter fingers. So simple, yet so, so perfect. You may read about the history of the name behind my blog here.

So, So Tasty!

84 Responses

  1. Just popping in to say hello–found your blog from Lisa/O2. This is a great blog! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Hi Julie!
    Great blog. I lurk on your journal at 02 as well! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I love your blog and you are so cute! ๐Ÿ˜€ I wish I had peanut butter fingers right now!

  4. Julie, this is really good! I am impressed with how ambitious you are with your cooking! Did you see Julie and Julia?? Your blog made me think of the movie! Miss you and love you!

  5. Love the blog! Thanks for leaving a comment on mine! It helped me to find yours!!

  6. I’ve kinda been thinking of trying to do a half-marathon, but I’ve been worried about being able to complete it. You’ve given me some inspiration!

  7. just found your blog!! can’t wait to read more ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. just came across your blog and am loving it so far! i can’t wait to read more (and maybe bake my own batch of those delicious and simple pumpkin spice cookies!) ๐Ÿ˜‰

  9. THanks for commenting on ym blog, I love yours!
    I was a diver in High School too in Minneapolis. I did it for 4 years until I hit my head on the board!
    Can’t wait to read more of your running/eating adventures!

    • eek! you hit your head? that was always my biggest fear! fortunately i only “smacked” the water (a lot) and had all-over bruises. cuuuute. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. Love the name of your blog! It totally reminds me of my childhood. Look forward to reading about your adventures!

  11. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Love the title of your blog… it reminds me of the Friends episode where Joey talks about PB Fingers ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. youre beautiful! and seem so fun! looking forward to reading your blogg.. added you to my roll (;

  13. Hi! I just found your blog and I’m so glad I did! We have a similar food philosophy.. I can’t wait to read more!

  14. What a cute pic of you with your sister. I have heard of PB fingers only once before from Joey Tribiani lol.

  15. just found your blog and i love it! i love the pic of you and your sis – what gorgeous girls!!!

  16. Just wanted to say hello – I found your blog by way of a few other blogs (so much clicking I can’t recall now). I also agree that marathoning is very mental. I ran my first this past fall using the Galloway Training Method, but also referencing Hal Higdon’s site quite a bit. I finished injury-free and with a time I’m very proud of! Happy running, eating and blogging!

  17. I think I like you a lot! I love peanut butter AND my boyfriend! What else could a girl want?

  18. Hi Julie!! AHHH thank you for commenting on my blog!!! You have such an adorable personality and a fun blog to read! So you’re from the suburbs of Chicago huh?!?! Where at??? What do you do now? This is exciting. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I can’t wait to read more about PB fingers! hahah that’s a super cute name by the way!

    P.s. I played basketball and swam in high school too, but I know i sucked at basketball. I was afraid of She-men who clawed me like I was the last candy in the candy jar. *shiver*

  19. just found your blog through the giveaway! so glad to find your blog. really like your healthy lifestyle! ๐Ÿ™‚ looking forward to read more!

  20. What a great blog!! I am so glad I found it and I love reading it ๐Ÿ™‚

    Keep in touch!


  21. Hey I just found your blog and you are too cute! Where in Chicago did you grow up? My husband is from Riverside (southside) and we may actually be moving back soon.

    • I used to live in the northwest suburbs… in Palatine! I LOVED it there and miss it! I am a pretty big fan of the Florida weather, though!

  22. This is a great site! Have any suggestions for milk free cooking?


  23. Very nice job on the blog here Ms. peanut butter finger. You’ve got a very positive attitude, the pictures come alive through scintillating descriptions, and your fitness passion connects with mine.

    Keep it up girl, you can visit my reality of health over at http://ellisonfitness.com/ blog



  24. Just reading your blog was interesting and I would like to try your recipes and definitely tell my sister about your blog she just got married last Saturday and I’m sure these recipes could come in handy!

  25. Just found your blog and it looks great! Can’t wait to read more!

  26. Hey, I just found your blog & I love it! I was dubbed a “bottomless pit” in highschool too.
    I have that snack allll the time except instead of using my fingers…it’s a spoon.

  27. This is great! Love your blog…just came across it ๐Ÿ™‚

  28. Hey girl. I just came across your blog and I LOVE! You definitely seem like someone I would be friends with =) I’ll definitely be following!

  29. I love your blog! I just started one and you have given me some great ideas! I will be following your blog. Hope all is well!

  30. i’m interested in writing and editing as well- where did you go to school and what is your degree in? also, what do you do for a job now?

    • i went to the university of central florida (UCF) and graduated with a degree in advertising and public relations. i fell in love with the writing aspect of my major and knew i wanted to write full-time. i now write and edit content for a large web site. i love it!

  31. I love your blog! I too am actually training to run a 1/2 marathon with Hal Higdon’s training plan. I always ran 3 miles no problem, and then one day I just thought, well what if I run another mile? And that led to 5 miles! I am at 10 now and know that I could go 13.1. I’m hoping to do my first race in March. You’re a beautiful girl and I can totally relate to peanut butter fingers. That happens on a weekly basis for me. ๐Ÿ™‚


  32. Hey Julie! I just recently found your blog and i love it! I enjoy reading about your cooking adventures and exercise, and your positive outlook is great. I’ll definitely keep on following!

  33. Hi Julie!
    I just came across your blog a few days ago and love it! I was curious what your job is and also your soon to be husband? Are you both still in school?

  34. Hi there! Just came across your blog. I was a water girl in high school as well, I was on swim team and was on the first ever girls water polo team my school had. My senior year, I was captains of both teams. I then had no purpose in college and signed up for my first marathon willy nilly!!! I work out 6 days a week and am a self proclaimed gym rat/exercise junkie. Can’t wait to read more of your blog!

  35. Peanut butter spoon is one of my favorite snacks!

  36. Just found your site courtesy of Kelly @ Healthy Living with Kelly. Looking forward to reading more.

  37. Hey Julie, I think your blog’s amazing and peanut butter fingers? Genius!!

    Nat xoxo

  38. Hey – I just found your blog and you are too cute for words! I just read your last ten posts in a row! Definitely found a new favorite and have officially added you to my Google Reader. Have a great Sunday ๐Ÿ™‚

  39. Just found your blog– you’re so cute! I love your approach and you’re a great inspiration to a healthy, active lifestyle.

  40. Just wanted to say that I was also named a “bottomless pit” in high school AND peanut butter is my favorite food ever ๐Ÿ™‚
    Just found your blog through Carrots N’ Cake. Looking forward to reading more!

  41. Hey Julie,

    I just saw on Caitlin’s last post that you commented that you were born in Harrisburg. I actually live in Harrisburg! That is so cool, I don’t meet many other bloggers who know about Harrisburg. If you ever come back for a visit, let me know and we can meet up!

    It’s great meeting you by the way! ๐Ÿ™‚

  42. hahaha I really love your blog! Apparently I eat Peanut Butter or in my case Almond Butter Fingers everyday!

  43. hey girl!
    your blog is too cute.

    i’m running a race for the cure with my mom next month! awesome to see you supporting the cause.
    – r

  44. I am so jealous your a Writer/Editor…this is my lifelong dream – to write for a living…but seemingly impossible (if you’ve ever read my blog, sigh ๐Ÿ˜ฆ )…anyhow – just wondering if you had ANY advice to give me – I would so appreciate it . Thanks a million – and LOVE your blog !!!

    • yes, writing for a living can be so hard! i feel very fortunate to have found a job that allows me to write daily. i actually found my job through craigslist.com – totally unconventional! luckily, it wasn’t a sketchy place & ended up being a great fit. also, you could look into doing freelance writing in the mean time! i write for examiner.com & i know they’re constantly hiring freelance writers.

  45. Glad to know that I’m not the only one with a PB addiction! Can’t get enough ๐Ÿ™‚

  46. Love the step by step to enjoy pb out of the jar ๐Ÿ˜‰

    You’ve got a great smile and seem like the coolest girl!

  47. oh my gosh. too cute blog name. love the explanation. very impressed by how well everything is laid out. well done!

  48. Just stumbled across your blog. Your engagement story is absolutely perfect. I hope your wedding is just as great.

    PS – I am def trying out your quick PB cookies!

  49. haha I played each of those “mid west” games, but I’m also from Missouri!! You are so adorable!!! Definitely adding you to the reader. Glad I found you!

  50. Too cute!

  51. Just found your blog and love it! My best running partner is also my pup ๐Ÿ™‚ AND I was a KD at Rhodes College in Memphis! Looking forward to reading more!

  52. Hi Julie! Found your blog through MegaNerdRuns and i absolutely LOVE it! I am also an orlando runner girl ๐Ÿ™‚

  53. Your blog seems like such a success! Have you only been blogging since Sept ’09? What are your tips for a successful blog? I enjoy reading yours daily : )

    • yeah i started at the end of sept. i really love blogging & feel like i still have A LOT to learn. i just try to post a lot and really be myself on my blog. i love reading blogs for all the different personalities and creative meal ideas! i think that the blogs i like to read the most post regularly and also include information about their day-to-day lives in addition to food/fitness insights.

  54. I love your blog!! So glad I discovered it. I’ll definitely be stopping by more often.

  55. “Peanut Butter Fingers” the recipe is awesome.

  56. I really enjoy your page girl! I just started my own, and its great to be inspired by awesome blogs like yours!

  57. I totally know what kick the can is, we used to play that ALL the time growing up in NY!! Can’t wait to follow your blog. Have been wanting to move to FL for years, jealous of you!

  58. Great blog! Heard about you thru Skinny Runner. Congrats on the engagement! Wish you a lifetime of fantastic memories!

    Cant wait to continue to read your blog! I get hungry just checking out your food posts!


  59. Hey Julie! i’ve been reading your blog for a couple of days*cough*creep*cough* and i really like it ๐Ÿ™‚ keep ti going !

  60. I loved reading your About Me page! I too think pb is one of the best snacks on earth.

    I’m excited to read more..

  61. I loved reading your blog. You have a lot of wonderful idea and definitely a few recipes I’m going to try!!

  62. You have such a cute blog! I heart pb, too.

  63. wow i love you’re blog you are truly a influential person you have motivated me to have a healthy lifestyle keep blogging

  64. Hi! you are awesome and have great recipes. I just discovered you searching for cold oatmeal recipes for my husband who has high cholesterol and now doesn’t want to have his hot oatmeal at work (he works in construction). Best to you! Thanks for sharing!

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